20 tips I learned for photography

1 . A photograph’s exposure d A photograph’s exposure determines how light or dark an image will appear 


2 . Achieving the correct exposure is a lot like collecting rain in a bucket. 


3 . While the rate of rainfall is uncontrollable, three factors remain under your control 


4 . the bucket’s width, the duration you leave it in the rain, and the quantity of rain you want to collect.  


5 . There are many different combinations of width, time, and quantity. 


6 . Aperture: controls the area over which light can enter your camera 


7 . Shutter speed: controls the duration of the exposure 


8 . ISO speed: controls the sensitivity of your camera’s sensor to a given amount of light 


  1. aperture affects depth of field


10 . shutter speed affects motion blur 


  1. ISO speed affects image noise.


12 . A camera’s shutter determines when the camera sensor will be open or closed to incoming light from the camera lens 


  1. The shutter speed specifically refers to how long this light is permitted to enter the camera

 20 tip’s I learned for photography 

  1. For lenses anything under 50 is wide and anything over it is telephoto and if it’s on 50 it’s fixed


  1. Shutter speed is a powerful tool for freezing or exaggerating the appearance of motion


  1. With waterfalls and other creative shots, motion blur is sometimes desirable


  1. If a properly focused photo comes out blurred, then you’ll usually need to either increase the shutter speed, keep your hands steadier or use a camera tripod.


  1. It is specified in terms of a f-stop value


  1. In photographer slang, when someone says they are “stopping down” or “opening up” their lens


  1. ISO speed is usually only increased from its minimum value if the desired aperture and shutter speed aren’t otherwise obtainable.


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